Inner Bonding

Dr. Margaret shares many aspects of the powerful mind/body/spirit Inner Bonding® self-healing process to help you learn to love yourself, take responsibility for your feelings and your health, and connect with your higher guidance to access love, truth, and wisdom. Through the practice of Inner Bonding, you can learn how to heal anxiety, depression, anger, shame, addictions, and relationship problems.

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Monday Oct 09, 2023

If you spend all of your time just getting things done and do not allow time for your everyday creativity, you will not feel alive and content within. The old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" applies to all of us. We feel dull inside when we don't allow time for play, for creativity, for kindness to ourselves and others. Creativity is a wonderful form of play.

Monday Oct 16, 2023

Are you using your spirituality as a "spiritual bypass" to avoid feeling your feelings and taking responsibility for them? Are you being loving to yourself and others, and walking your talk, when you tell your truth or withhold your truth? Would you rather know the truth with a partner, family, and friends, even if it's very painful, rather than continue to avoid knowing what you know?

What Will Love Give You?

Monday Oct 23, 2023

Monday Oct 23, 2023

What are your beliefs about what another's love will give to you? Most of us grew up believing that another person should be our dependable source of love, yet this is the very thing that destroys many relationships. Are you using a partner or other people as your dependable source of love? We all need love. Discover the true dependable source of love and learn how to share love rather than always trying to get love from others.

Managing Family Grief

Sunday Oct 29, 2023

Sunday Oct 29, 2023

Are your adult children disconnected from you? Are you lovingly managing the grief of their disconnection? Are you taking your children's behavior personally and ending up feeling rejected by them? Many parents want to think that they have more control over their children than they do. Rather than feeling a victim of your children’s disconnection from you, discover how to begin finding the heart connections you may want in your life. 

The Power of Patience

Monday Nov 06, 2023

Monday Nov 06, 2023

Do you get impatient? Would you like to become a more patient person? When others are behaving in annoying ways, what do you do? If you get impatient, annoyed, irritated, judgmental, or angry, you are reacting from your wounded self. Discover how to become patient rather than react to others when you feel irritated by their behavior.  

Monday Nov 13, 2023

Mass murders, violent teens, school violence, drugs, greed - why? You might not think you are selling your soul, but is this true?  The greed and violence of the wounded self needs research and healing, and I'm offering some ideas regarding what needs to happen to heal. 

Love is Intelligent

Monday Nov 20, 2023

Monday Nov 20, 2023

Are you stuck being a slave of your wounded self, or do you trust your intuition? It is easy to trust and have faith when good things are happening, but it's harder when bad things happen, or things don't go our way. Life is much less stressful when we trust that we are always being guided in our highest good by the intelligence of love. 

Monday Nov 27, 2023

When you are acting out in ways that are unloving to you and to others, your wounded self is in charge. Learn how do you stop indulging your wounded self. Do you sometimes wonder if what you are hearing is actually from your guidance? Are you afraid that if you surrender to your spiritual guidance, you will be controlled by your guidance, lose your motivation, be taken advantage of or feel even more alone? Discover what really happens when you surrender!

Monday Dec 04, 2023

If you feel alone, empty, anxious, depressed, hurt, angry, jealous, sad, fearful, guilty, or shamed, you are likely abandoning yourself both physically and emotionally. Learn how having compassion for yourself, rather than ignoring or judging yourself, can totally change your inner and relationship experience. 

Healing Anger

Monday Dec 11, 2023

Monday Dec 11, 2023

Your anger can teach you many things if you choose to learn from it rather than use it as a means of controlling others. Anger at others is often a manifestation of a lack of self-care. Is your inner child angry at you for your lack of self-care and then projecting this onto others? Discover a powerful process for learning from and healing anger rather than dumping it on others or suppressing it. 

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