Inner Bonding

Dr. Margaret shares many aspects of the powerful mind/body/spirit Inner Bonding® self-healing process to help you learn to love yourself, take responsibility for your feelings and your health, and connect with your higher guidance to access love, truth, and wisdom. Through the practice of Inner Bonding, you can learn how to heal anxiety, depression, anger, shame, addictions, and relationship problems.

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Healing Love Addiction

Monday Jan 17, 2022

Monday Jan 17, 2022

Are you love or approval addicted? Many people are. If you frequently feel alone and empty inside, and you often seek to get love, attention, and approval from others, you might be love-addicted. The good news is that you can heal from love and approval addiction.

Monday Jan 24, 2022

Do you have problems speaking up for yourself when others are being uncaring? Do you even know what it looks like to speak up for yourself? How often to you withhold your truth from someone important to you because you are afraid of their anger? Get clear on when it's appropriate to speak up for yourself and when it isn't, and the major difference between speaking up to love yourself or to control the other person.

Who do you Think you Are?

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Do you believe your self-worth is in your looks and performance and if you do, is this working for you and bringing you joy? Do you fully understand the difference between your ego wounded self and your essence - your soul self? You might not know the truth of who you are, but if you have a pet, your pet knows!

Monday Feb 07, 2022

What makes you feel connected with or disconnected from the important people in your life? Do you believe that in a good relationship, it is your partner's job to make you feel loved and worthy? Do you have the courage to hang in through the hard times and do the learning and healing we all need to do to create a loving relationship?

Monday Feb 14, 2022

In this podcast, Dr. Margaret Paul, co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process, talks about the difference between the intent to control other people and the intent to be loving to ourselves and to others. She cites several controlling behaviors people use, including being nice and asking questions, and how these could affect our relationships.
Dr. Margaret also shares a few stories about her clients that help us better understand what it means to be loving rather than controlling. She also teaches us several ways to determine whether we’re being controlling or being loving in any situation.

Monday Feb 21, 2022

Dr. Margaret Paul starts this episode of the Inner Bonding Podcast with the story of the childhood of Dr. Erika Chopich, the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Despite growing up in an abusive environment, Dr. Erika has an extraordinary lightness of being.
Dr. Margaret then explains that lightness of being are those moments of enlightenment. It’s when we’re deeply connected with our beautiful soul and our higher guidance and receive the love, peace, and joy that spirit is always giving us. More importantly, she shares what we can choose to be our guiding lights so that we can experience moments of lightness of being.

Monday Feb 28, 2022

In this episode of the Inner Bonding Podcast, Dr. Margaret Paul, co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process, talks about how your intention, as well as others’ intention, affects your energy. She cites how compassion can handle both negative energy that you’re sending to others and negative energy that others are sending to you.
Additionally, Dr. Margaret provides several tips on how to tune into the people in your life and determine whether they energize you or deplete your energy. She also shares ways how to protect yourself from being depleted.

Monday Mar 07, 2022

In this episode of the Inner Bonding Podcast, Dr. Margaret Paul says that in the face of great suffering, such as the war in Ukraine, it doesn’t help to take on the suffering of other people. She continues that what does help is becoming a spiritual flashlight, which she explains further in detail in the podcast.
She also shares the concept of collective consciousness and the hundredth monkey theory where once a number of people or animals learn a certain behavior or think a certain thing, suddenly more and more people are thinking or doing this thing. When we’re aware that we can be the person to tip consciousness, we can focus on being a spiritual flashlight that shines a light on others. Dr. Margaret also explains the differences between operating from the left side and the right side of the brain, and how it’s affecting what’s happening in the world.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022

Discover what creates those awful feelings of inner emptiness and aloneness, and how inner emptiness affects relationships. In this podcast, learn what you can do to feel the fullness of love within, so that you can share love with your loved ones. 

Monday Mar 21, 2022

In this podcast, Dr. Margaret Paul, co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process, uncovers the two secrets to connect with your higher guidance. Not only will these two secrets help you achieve at-will divine connection, but they will also help you manifest abundance and lead a happier and healthier life.
Dr. Margaret also gives specific tips on how to raise your frequency, which will allow you to have healthy thoughts and a healthy lifestyle. By sharing a few case studies of her clients, she also teaches you how to overcome challenges when it comes to accessing your inner guidance.

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